How To Start Your Indoor Herb Garden

Deciding to start your own indoor herb garden can seem like a big task when you don’t know where to start, but we’re here to show you all the benefits of growing your own!

Growing Herbs Inside Works For Everyone

One of the main reasons that people begin growing herbs inside is to maximise space and save money. In Britain, only a third of people have access to a garden. With this in mind, balconies and window sills make the perfect space to itch the gardening bug. Another benefit of gardening in a smaller space is the money that it can save. No need to splash the cash on pots, plants, seeds, treatments and tools! Talking of saving money…

Growing herbs can save money on your food shop. Why not try and plant flavours that you commonly use in your cooking? Not only does this save you money, but eating things you’ve grown yourself helps us connect with, and focus on, our food. Plus, they will fill your homes with fresh and bright aromas! Lastly, growing herbs is easy. All they need is sun, water and a little attention. Give yourself something to nurture, and they’ll give you food and joy in return!

How To Grow Herbs Indoors

While there are many ways to grow herbs indoors, the easiest (and cheapest) is to grow from seed or starter plants. 

Seed packets can be purchased online and in garden shops, alongside planters and soil. Most herbs are hardy and can be potted in whatever soil you can get your hands on, just make sure to avoid peat!

Seed packets will come with planting instructions on the back, but a good rule of thumb is to fill a planter almost to the top with soil, and then make small holes by placing your finger in the soil until it reaches your middle knuckle. Place a few seeds in each hole and then cover with soil. Give your seeds a light water, and then place in the sunniest spot you can find - a window sill is best! 

Indoor herbs will need a lot of sun to grow, but make sure to give them plenty of water too! The best time to water plants is the early morning or evening, as this will avoid them becoming parched or scorched. 

Top Tip: If you’re unsure of which seeds to plant, don’t have the time or want to start using your herbs as soon as possible, buy pots from the supermarket. Fresh herbs are often sold in small pots. Simply remove from the pot they come in, separate the plant into a few smaller ones (if possible) and put these into the soil! Give them a good water after potting up, to avoid shock. 

Want somewhere special to plant up your herbs? Show off your new indoor garden with our range of herb planters. Available to personalise and in a range of sizes, some of our planter crates even come with herb seeds! Give your plants a good home and browse our range here.

What Are The Best Herbs To Grow Indoors?


Basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow, and one of the most versatile when it comes to cooking. Its bright flavour and beautiful smell make it a popular favourite for planting. Varieties include sweet basil, Thai basil, lemon basil and lettuce leaf basil. Enjoy it in pasta, on pizzas, in salads and stir fry. Why not add it to some Pimm’s or a cocktail or two? 


Chives are incredibly easy to grow and are often one of the first plants that children learn to grow. They have a very mild onion flavour and are commonly used in French and Swedish cuisine. Their scapes (the long green strands) grow quickly and are easy to harvest - just cut with scissors and watch them regrow! 


Mint is great for garnishing salads and desserts, but the best way to make use of its zingy and refreshing leaves is tea! English lamb, peppermint, spearmint, chocolate mint. There are so many varieties to get your hands on and test a myriad of flavour combinations.  Mint is very fast-growing, so as long as you pick the leaves and give it the occasional trim, you’ll continue to reap the rewards of this herb. But be careful, always keep mint in pots as it can take over flowerbeds.